smart power anywhere
Made in Switzerland

IBS products are manufactured with most advanced manufacturing equipment:


IBS is manufacturing on newest EssemTec SMD assembling machinery. This assembling machinery places very fast the SMD (surface mount device) on the print (PCB, printed circuit board). To increase the throughput two machines are now in operation. The reflow oven is doing the soldering (long oven with transmission belt).

At the beginning of the process is the soldering print machine applying the solder onto the print. During production process of IBS-DBM20A or IBS-DBS several 10’000 components are placed fast and highly accurate. To improve assembling time multiple prints of up to 36 prints are getting assembled in one go.

SMD Production

SMD Placer 1
SMD Placer 2
SMD Placer 3
Reflow soldering unit